Print Marketing Solutions Blog | Heeter

5 Reasons Why Print Should be a Part of Your Marketing Mix | Heeter

Written by Heeter | January 27, 2014

We live in an increasingly digital world.

We communicate via email, text and video. We consume our books and newspapers on readers. We advertise more and more via the web and mobile devices. We often share personal news and photos via social media.

Yet for all of this attention on digital devices, printed materials are more relevant than ever.

Bill Michael, a Marketing Manager at Xerox, lays out a strong argument for why Print is so valuable and relevant.

1. Print Provides an Opportunity to Differentiate

·    According to ABM, 96% of media users still read trade magazines to keep up on what’s happening in their industry, with 45% saying they read a print magazine at least weekly.

·    The United States Postal Service found that 98% of consumers bring in their mail the day it is delivered, with 77% sorting it immediately.

·    Roughly 80% of all physical mail is opened, while the open rate of emails is only about 20%.

2. Print is Viewed as Trustworthy

·    According to a Print In the Mix survey, 56% respondents say they found printed material to be the ‘most trustworthy’ of media channels.

·    The same survey found that nearly half of the respondents said they’ve retained a direct mail piece for future reference, and 17% regularly do so.

·    A study by VTT found that consumers trust advertising in print media more than any other media.

3. Print Delivers Results (Think Lead Generation!)

·    Print delivers a higher response rate compared to email. The CMO Council found that the average response rate for emails is 0.12%, whereas the average response rate for direct mail is 4.4%.

·    According to Mail Media Centre, while 11% of marketing emails are opened, the opening rate is 91% for prospecting direct mail.

·    According to Printing Industries of America, print catalogs carry an average cost per lead of $47.61, whereas the average cost per email lead is $53.85.

·    A survey by Print in The Mix found 79% of consumers act on a brand’s direct mail piece immediately

4. Print Helps to Connect the Online and Offline Worlds

·    Printing Industries of America found that 67% of online searches are driven by offline messages, with 39% of shoppers making a purchase.

·    Shoppers who receive a direct mail piece directing them to an online site spend an average 13% more than those who do not receive a printed piece.

·    Websites supported by catalogs yield 163% more revenue than those not supported by catalogs.

5. Print has a Proven, Loyal Following

·    Consumers expect Direct Mail, as 33% of those surveyed say they’d have a negative view of a brand not offering printed communications.

·    Survey by Two Sides found that 70% of Americans prefer to read printed paper over a digital screen, with 67% preferring the feel of print media.

·    When it comes to transactional statements, Two Sides found that 64% consumers wouldn’t choose a company that didn’t offer a paper bill option.

·    75% B2B professionals read magazines on weekly basis, with 68% choosing to read niche publications specific to their industry.

Compelling arguments by Bill.

So while digital marketing will play an increasing role in budgets in the future, Print is still a critical part of this mix. Savvy marketers recognize this value and continue to invest in Print.