
Posts by Jeremy

Heeter Goes Digital and Goes National

Heeter Goes Digital and Goes National

Digital printing brings major benefits to marketers – particularly around the ability to conduct variable mailings as well as significant cost savings.

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Heeter Invests in Its Team Members

Heeter Invests in Its Team Members

Technology changes quickly, and so do needed skills. We find that we need to continually train our employees on enhancements to new and existing equipment in order to keep up with their capabilities.

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Is Your Team Leveraging Imperium?

Is Your Team Leveraging Imperium?

Heeter launched Imperium in 2016. Each and every day Heeter customers are benefiting from our collaboration tool. Imperium allows you to communicate seamlessly and in real-time with us, through the following features:

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15 Clever Examples of Interactive Print Ads

15 Clever Examples of Interactive Print Ads

Written by Jami Oetting

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