Print Marketing Solutions Blog | Heeter

Direct Mail Has an Impact | Heeter

Written by Jeremy | October 6, 2023

Reprinted from Ricoh Business Booster.

Printed direct mail is a great tool for reaching out to customers and prospects. Print is perceived as trustworthy, tangible and has a shelf life. In a world dominated by cell phones and mobile devices, the physical aspect of a printed piece makes it stand out and is memorable. Print serves a purpose whether you keep a piece, recycle it or repurpose it – its physical nature makes it lasting.

“I love mail and receiving printed pieces. For me, it’s a way to know that I am still remembered in this world,” says Lisa Condon, CEO of Lisa Condon Enterprises. “Even marketing pieces hold an emotional bond from certain organizations. Never undervalue a printed piece and its impact.”

Align Imagery to Resonate with Your Audience

When selecting imagery for direct mail campaigns, find compelling imagery that is likely to resonate with the target demographic and conveys your message. Ensure that copy is aligned with the imagery to have a full impact.

Strategy and Relevancy Matter

When developing a direct mail program, clearly define desired outcomes and how your plans will meet them. Keep in mind that relevancy always matters. Consider what customer segment is the best target for an offer. The most successful direct mail campaigns send the right offer to the right person at the right time. The long-time, 40-40-20 rule of direct mail success still applies. According to the rule, 40% of direct mail success is linked to the offer, 40% to the list and 20% to creative and messaging.

Focus Messaging on Value

Keep marketing messages focused on how a product or service will help potential customers. No matter the circumstance, people appreciate companies and brands that stay grounded and focused on providing value to their customers. Effective direct mail pieces educate, entertain or inspire prospects into action.

Stay Positive

Always show sincere empathy for what your customers are experiencing. Direct mail campaigns should not come across as insensitive. Campaigns that convey optimism, hope and humanity tend to elicit better audience reactions.


In all outbound communications, position your organization as a friendly, trusted resource that helps and cares about its customers. Communicating with customers and prospects contributes to how your brand is perceived and remembered. Taking this position demonstrates to customers and prospects that you are the organization they want to do business with. Following these guidelines will help you ensure your direct mail campaigns resonate with customers and prospects.

Reprinted from Ricoh Business Booster.