By Steve Cousins, VP of Technology, Heeter
Heeter continues to listen to our customers. Some of you have been asking for a non-Java version of our SecurePRO client, which will provide a better experience on many corporate networks.
I am therefore excited to announce that a new version of SecurePRO has just gone into beta. SecurePRO is part of HeeterPRO, a customized hub providing Heeter clients with access to all of Heeter’s web-based products and services.
The new version is written using the latest web technologies (HTML5) and avoids the problems some users have been experiencing with SecurePRO’s Java client.
Once logged into HeeterPRO and SecurePRO is selected, you will be presented with the window below:
Once the new version launches, you will be presented with the familiar interface of the current version.
Heeter would greatly appreciate your feedback on the new version of SecurePRO. Especially as this is a Beta Version, we would like to hear of any problems you may experience (please email me directly at scousins@heeter.comwith any issues or feedback).
Please note that the current beta version only supports the uploading of files to Heeter. If you have the need to download files from Heeter, the Standard version will need to be used.
Thanks for your continued business and support.