Print Marketing Solutions Blog | Heeter

Introducing Imperium - Making You More Productive | Heeter

Written by Heeter | April 13, 2016

Remember the old days of submitting a direct mail job?

Those days of processing the job looked something like this:

  1. Email or FTP a design file
  2. Send in the data file
  3. Call your Customer Support Rep (CSR) to be sure the files were received and they are complete
  4. Wait a day or two for the CSR to send you a proof; give approval
  5. Call the CSR to check the print status; wait for the CSR to walk to the floor and call you back with an update
  6. Once the job drops into the mail system, wait a few days to be sure the mail has arrived and then begin contacting the recipients

Recognize this?  There was a whole lot of waiting on the CSR to get back with you on updates.

Introducing Imperium

Heeter has been working hard to make the process a whole lot easier and more productive for you. And this is where Imperium comes in.

Imperium is the 2.0 version of our earlier HeeterPRO system. Imperium provides users a fuller and more integrated view of their projects. It also enables easier communication with your Customer Support Representatives including the ability to expedite high priority jobs.

Consider this improved work flow for your next direct mail project:

  1. Log into Imperium, upload your design and data files with SecurePRO – get confirmation of their arrival in encrypted formats
  2. Communicate digitally more easily with your CSR via Imperium
  3. View your job’s status in real-time 24×7
  4. Track your direct mail piece’s arrival at its destination through MailPRO; your sales team can then begin its calling immediately upon the mailing’s arrival

Another feature of Imperium is an improved ShopPRO application, a fully integrated storefront that enables your customers or employees to order materials or products. These materials can be static offset materials as well as fully variable direct marketing campaigns.  ShopPRO is integrated with Imperium so you can view job statuses as well as inventory levels in real-time. And best of all, you can maintain your corporate branding on this portal.

Heeter has a large number of its clients using Imperium today. Shouldn’t you?

Ready to start using Imperium today? Contact your sales representative or CSR to get more details.