Print Marketing Solutions Blog | Heeter

Investing in Efficiency and Security | Heeter

Written by Jeremy | July 22, 2019

Providing secure processing and consistent delivery of customer projects are paramount to Heeter.

With this goal in mind, we are making a series of investments on the IT and Operations front.

New Scheduling Software Improves Delivery

We are rolling out EFI’s PrintFlow scheduling software in 2019.

EFI’s software embraces The Theory of Global Optimization (TGO) which is an end-to-end workflow improvement strategy that looks at our manufacturing operation as a chain of interdependent links. The scheduling system runs multiple times throughout the day to identify and proactively manage constraints, resulting in better processes, a more efficient workflow, more consistent deliveries and lower costs.

We have scheduled phase 1 of the software’s release for the summer.

We want to give special thanks to the IT Team of Andy Booth, Kayla Frost, Lisa Ollinger, and the Ops Team of PJ Eddy, John Papariella, and Brandon Bioni.

Heeter Network Updated to Reduce External Intrusions

Heeter has completed its Network Refresh project by making updates to its firewall hardware and introducing new security software.

This new hardware allows for tighter control over network security and traffic along with greater visibility into network activity.

Heeter has launched stronger intrusion prevention software to protect end-user internet activity from phishing, malware, and malicious intrusions.

We started a new Security Awareness training program that tests end-users on data security and privacy safeguards via fake phishing emails. Our employees had a less than 5% click rate on suspicious emails versus a 33% manufacturing industry average.