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Linkedin Enables Admins to Invite Connections to Follow Business Page | Heeter

Written by Jeremy | December 27, 2020

Marketers have long sought to grow their Business Page’s Follower base to ensure their messaging is reaching their audience (customers, prospects and others). Building this Follower base can be a time-consuming task.

LinkedIn has introduced Company Page Invites for all Business Pages with under 100k Followers. This function is accessed through a firm’s Admin page and lets Admins send invites to their personal Followers who may very well be interested in the Business Page.

The scoop on Company Page Invites:

Company pages are now allocated 100 free credits per month allowing Admins to invite 100 people to follow their company page.

Some details:

  • You must be an Admin of your LinkedIn Company Page to access this feature.
  • Once a user accepts your invitation, the credit is returned to the company.
  • Credits do not roll over between months.
  • There is a daily limit shared by all Admins to your page.
  • You can only invite a person to your company page once, so make sure your page is looking its best and the content is fresh before beginning your invitations.


Here are the steps an Admin needs to follow.

  • Access your Admin View from the desktop version of LinkedIn and click the Admin tools dropdown at the top of the Page.
  • Select Invite connection from the right side of the page (see image below).
  • Select connections to invite to follow your Page.
  • Click Invite connections in the Admin tools pulldown. Your connections will receive an invitation notification.

Connections who’ve been successfully invited or those who are already following your Page will be automatically filtered out.

Invest time each month to build your Company Page’s Followers

Using this approach, firms can now grow their connections easily by sending a request for people to follow their page direct to their target audience inboxes. It is ideal for smaller businesses to build a following and have more of its content viewed by the right audience.