Print Marketing Solutions Blog | Heeter

Looking Ahead to a Big 2014 at Heeter | Heeter

Written by Heeter | February 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

Temperatures may be low, but our presses, digital printers, fulfillment center and team are keeping warm with their heavy activity on these frigid January days.

The year is off to a great start, and I want to outline some exciting hires and investments we are making at Heeter in 2014.

  • Welcome to Kirk Schlecker as our new Vice President of Operations

Kirk ran several top digital print and fulfillment companies in the Chicago area and will bring some fresh ideas to our company.  His background with Lean will also help us further develop standard operational procedures, better structure our resources and instill more accountability within the company. The benefits to you, our customers, are higher quality and more consistent work and faster turnaround.

  • Increasing Our Investments in Information Technology

Vice President of Technology Steve Cousins is spearheading our IT and data security initiatives in 2014.  Over the past few months Steve and his team have been laying the groundwork for a launch of programs in early 2014.  Data security is a huge priority to our customers and us, so we finalizing procedures that assure that we’re handling that information properly and securely.

  • Expanding Functionality of HeeterPRO

We continue to add valuable functions to HeeterPRO, our customized hub providing clients with access to all of Heeter’s web based products and services. This unique system makes you more productive. Our newest module is ListPRO, a tool to facilitate your buying and easily implementing mail lists. Ask any of our sales team members to tell you more.

  • Expanding Key Positions

Investments in processes and technology are important to serving you well, but recruiting top quality team members with the right skills is truly critical.

In 2013 we hired a number of new employees, many of whom are developers, project managers and data programmers. And a number of the new team members have relocated from other regions to Pittsburgh – an indicator that these new employees believe in a long future with Heeter.

2014 is shaping up to be a ground breaking year for Heeter.  We are very appreciative that you are part of it.

If you would like to talk about these focus areas or any other topics, please reach out to me.

Scott Heeter

Direct Dial: 724-820-1961

Cell Phone:  724-350-7280