5 Reasons Why Print Should be a Part of Your Marketing Mix
by Heeter on January 27, 2014
We live in an increasingly digital world.
8 Marketing Steps to Prep for a Big 2014!
by Heeter on December 11, 2013
As we head towards the New Year, it is good to take stock of your brand, your messaging and your current marketing efforts.
When should I send my email campaigns?
by Heeter on November 27, 2013
One of the most frequent questions we are asked is when is the best time to send email campaigns.
The Nature of Nurturing
by Heeter on November 1, 2013
The questions were fast and furious. But Liz McClellan knew what to expect. She had been down this road already. She had taken her company, Sage Business Solutions, on the journey into the world of marketing automation. She had lived through – survived, really – the constant questions …
5 Trends in Search Marketing You Need to Be Watching
by Heeter on October 11, 2013
Search marketing continues to be a highly effective way to connect with prospective customers who are looking for what you are offering. We recommend search be part of every marketer’s arsenal to generate awareness, leads and sales.
Are you doing enough with Mobile?
by Heeter on September 27, 2013
Apple has released its newest iPhone and iOS 7.0 mobile operating system recently, so there has been a lot of breathless media coverage on smart phones.
Multichannel Marketing Pays Off
by Heeter on September 25, 2013
Increase revenue by offering multichannel marketing services.
Heeter Team Presents Case Studies on Storefronts
by Heeter on September 9, 2013
Heeter strives to be Innovative for its customers.
Celebrating the Heeter Team: Labor Day Picnic
by Heeter on September 3, 2013
Successful American businesses are built by great workforces.
Sell Benefits, Not Features
by Heeter on August 9, 2013
Why is developing and launching a new product or service so hard? It takes time and resources – both human and financial – to make it happen. According to various research studies, between 50 percent and 80 percent of new products launched each year fail, costing companies and shareho …