Print Marketing Solutions Blog | Heeter

The Power of Videos for Sales and Marketing | Heeter

Written by Jeremy | July 21, 2022

From Ricoh Business Booster Blog.


Videos are everywhere! During 2021, YouTube alone reported that over a billion hours of content is watched on its platform every day. The use of videos is also becoming increasingly prominent in the business world. With the increased production of videos, standards for production quality and delivery methods are improving all the time. Because of this, many print service providers (PSPs) don’t believe they have the necessary resources to produce quality videos in-house. The good news is that you don’t need a team of Hollywood writers or a film crew to create compelling content and have it seen.

This article explores best practices for today’s marketers when it comes to making videos, including the type of content you can create, the tools and presentation you’ll need, and the platforms you’ll use. There has never been a better time for marketers and sales teams to include video in their content mix. The video platform allows you to succinctly illustrate the value of your services, highlight product announcements, feature customer interviews, provide demonstrations, deliver educational webinars, and so much more.

The Content

Our relationship with video has experienced a fascinating evolution over the years. Parents often worry that too much screen time will deteriorate their kids’ bright minds, but video has become one of today’s most effective formats for dispensing information. When done well, video content can deliver messages across multiple senses, including sight, sound, and the subconscious. The medium provides the ability to deliver your marketing and sales messages in a single concentrated and palatable package.

Naturally, using video for business marketing purposes is a bit different than using video to gain social media followers on a personal account. A corporate video’s message must be succinct and deliver a clear call-to-action for business-to-business and business-to-consumer purposes. PSPs are of course not looking to compete with the viral cat videos or TikTok memes that can garner millions of views. Even so, you can still stand out and achieve “influencer” status within the print market by curating a stream of engaging and exciting videos.

No one would argue that print is a visual medium, and this knowledge might make it seem logical to only use still images when demonstrating your company’s capabilities. Although traditional print remains a viable marketing option in many cases, video offers the opportunity to bring static content to life. Here are just a few of the more popular video types:

  • Product Videos: Diagrams and dialogue do a decent job of explaining the value of personalized print or variable data work, but consider the power of showing a production print run with each print coming off the press unique from the one before and the one after. Video connects images in real-time, removing the need for your prospects and customers to conceptualize your services themselves. You can take all the guesswork out of the equation by simply recording a variable data production run and adding audio commentary.
  • Brand Videos: Sharing your story is a great way to communicate your company’s mission and values with your intended audience. Today’s customers are attracted to companies with a purpose, so think about why you’re in business and communicate your mission. A brief narrated video can enable you to deliver your message with emotion and conviction. You can even share customer testimonials to reinforce your message. These same videos will also come in handy when it’s time to recruit new talent!
  • Explainer Videos: Similar to product videos, explainer videos work well if you offer a service or product that is not easily understood. For example, a short clip that describes how cross-media works is a perfect way to help your prospects and customers visualize a complete solution. These types of videos are extremely popular in today’s marketing environment. They should be brief, engaging, and offer answers to common questions.
  • Educational Videos: If you are hoping to increase your position in the market as a subject matter expert, you must provide insight. Educational videos can increase the trust that others place in your brand by informing prospects or customers that you’re not there simply to sell something. In today’s sales and marketing environment, it is especially important to provide value before price.

Regardless of the type of video you choose to create, it’s not enough to simply create a clip that will be visible on your website or other social media platforms. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will increase awareness of your videos and make them work harder for you. The use of keywords and trending topics will increase viewership and the frequency with which videos are shared. According to online video editing firm Moovly, your business is 53% more likely to show up first on a Google search if you have a video embedded on your website. This is very likely due to the parent relationship that Google has with YouTube.

The Actor and the Equipment

The technology behind recording and delivering video content is more advanced than ever. For that reason, incorporating this technology into your sales and marketing efforts has never been easier. The barrier to entry was once much larger due to the cost of equipment, but studio-quality cameras and microphones are now available at consumer-level prices. At the same time, however, don’t become so enraptured with the available technologies to the point that you overlook the importance of quality videos. Creating an engaging video is about presenting your best self, and it is crucial to the value of the content you deliver.

One of the biggest mental blocks associated with creating video content is getting started. People who are not actors by nature might be unsure how to present themselves. Trust and credibility are easier formed when your act and speak in a natural tone rather than trying to put on a show. In other words, be yourself!

Marketers and salespeople know that customer profiles and personas make it easier to connect and communicate, and the same holds true with video content. In some cases, it might be necessary to change your tone or how you present content based on your intended audience. To present a clear and focused message, start by creating an outline that describes your audience, their knowledge level, and the action you want them to take. Whether you step in front of the camera yourself or hire with more presenting expertise, do the work upfront to be sure that what you deliver is well-received.

The Platform

Video viewers make social contracts with each video they watch, which varies from platform to platform. On TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram, users expect videos to entertain and inform in thirty seconds or less. These viewers are often scrolling through their feeds quickly, so they don’t want to linger on a single post for too long. Those who access YouTube are a bit more patient, with the acceptable video time ranging from one to ninety minutes. Video content that adheres to the expectations of the platform’s users will usually come out on top. If this seems like a lot to keep track of, bear in mind that your videos don’t have to exist in a single bubble. If you’ve already created an in-depth brand video or product demonstration for YouTube, clever editing could break it up for a series of posts on TikTok or Twitter. Creating videos that can be repurposed is a great way to keep your content output high and lasting beyond a single purpose.

The Bottom Line

The psychology behind viewing habits is a curious one. A six-hour movie would be scoffed at, but many people would happily binge through six episodes in one sitting if they are broken up into one-hour chapters. That’s because we seek more instant gratification by our very nature in today’s fast-paced environment. In the series episode example, each chapter would offer a fulfilling beginning and endpoint without forcing the viewer to wait six hours for a payoff. Even more importantly, the viewer will still want more at the very end. Video is a powerful way to present your brand’s story and captivate your audience with the solutions you deliver. We’ve all heard the old clich that a picture is worth a thousand words… so just imagine how much you could say in thirty frames per second!